About A4J
Helping Patriotic Americans
Achieve the American Dream
Freedom, Fairness, Equality, Justice,
Opportunity, Health & Happiness
Helping Club Members Become All They Can Be
Helping Them Achieve Their Ultimate Potential
Hours of Operations for telephone calls:
Monday through Friday from 09:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Select the Contact A4J - Map for A4J link above to see our
mail and shipping address, phone, fax, and text numbers, and
see a map of our location, or to send us a quick and easy and
convenient email by using our Email Form. If you want to retain
a copy of your email, send the email to ABCofHealth@LIVE.com
using your personal email service.
Americans4Justice (A4J) is an independent educational organization for natural-born Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded American adults who truly care about protecting, defending, and preserving the best features of our American Republic.
Many patriotic-minded citizens also want to help build a better America where there is much more holistic type healthcare freedom, more equality, and much more fairness and impartiality and integrity in the courts, and more financial opportunity for our generation, and for our children's and grandchildren's generations.
We also want our patriotic efforts to help protect the rights of children that will be born in future generations of Americans. We understand that we are very fortunate to be Americans, and we accept the responsibility to be forever vigilant and protect and
defend our rights, freedoms, and liberties that were purchased for us
through great sacrifices by many other Americans.
We are determined to exercise our duty and responsibility faithfully to help pass these vital blessings and freedoms on to the next generation of Americans. Our patriotic education programs and projects will help coordinate and promote cooperation among our members and will also strive to help other patriotic groups and organizations in these same respects.
Working together in this manner, our membership can be more effective in helping ensure that the noble objectives that are identified in our Home department and our Objectives department will be achieved in a cost-effective manner as quickly as possible.
Americans4Justice is a subsidiary division of our parent company, ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health in the Greenville, South Carolina area and on the Internet. We are a South Carolina Corporation that was established many years ago (April 1986). Lonnie E. Willoughby, Jr. is the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc. He is also the founder and director of Americans4Justica-SC.
ABC's of Health, Inc. owned and operated a unique healthcare and wellness products retail store in Greenville County, South Carolina for 15 years (1/4/1999 to 4/24/2014). You can learn more about this business by visiting our Main Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website located at:
Being in the natural health-care and wellness concepts products business for 15+ years enabled Lon Willoughby to acquire a lot of the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that he can now use to help selected natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented learn how to take much better care of their precious natural health.
We prefer that inquiries to our office be made by email or by fax because these communications do not interrupt our very busy work schedule. However, if these type communications will not work reasonably well for you, please telephone our office with your thoughtfully prepared inquires.
If we are unable to answer the telephone at times during our business hours, it indicates that we are busy with other client services. However, our commercial quality voice mail system will take your call, during our business hours, as shown above.
When it is convenient for you, please leave us a voice mail message about your inquiry. We will call you back as soon as possible (at the day and time and phone number that you specify as the best way for us to try to contact you by telephone).
Thank you for your interest in the very important and valuable educational services offered by Americans4Justice-SC for "qualified visitors" (natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and live in the upstate area of South Carolina (with a permanent home or residence address Zip Code of 296 - - or 293 - - ).
We are providing leadership, incentives, motivation, and guidance for patriotic-minded "qualified visitors." We have developed practical, responsible, and sensible education services that can help selected "qualified visitors" in the upstate area of South Carolina protect, defend, preserve, strengthen, and improve upon the American Dream for themselves, for their immediate family members, and for future generations of natural-born American citizens.
May you live long and prosper well in good health, as a brave and courageous American citizen patriot.
Lon Willoughby, Founder and Director of Americans4Justice-SC
Important notes:
1. Copyright Infringement Considerations: If you accepted
our Terms of Use Conditions, as published at our main educational website, www.ABCofHealth.com, you may print one
copy of any department of this website for your own use. You
are not authorized to print additional copies, or make
photocopies, or use any other form of reproduction of any
information contained in this website for distribution to any
other person or entity.
You may invite other American citizens to visit our introductory education website located at:
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These settings should enable you to print any pages at this
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3. Safety of Information: We do not sell, trade, or
share information about our A4J club member's, our
visitor's, or our email list (with other persons,
businesses, or other patriotic groups, or any other
organizations of any type). Your personal information is
very safe with us.
| Home Page | About Us | Contact Us | Educational Services |
| Income Opportunities | Judicial Info For SC Citizens |
| Judicial Reform | Membership Info | Objectives |
| Terms of Use |
Copyright © 2005 - 2022
ABC's of Health, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This department was updated
on August 22, 2022.